Serving the Community
of Quincy

QV Hospital Foundation

Quincy Valley Hospital Foundation was established in 1992. The main purpose of the foundation is to financially augment QVMC. Our goal is to support the mission of QVMC in providing optimum value to our patients by delivering care in the safest and most efficient ways.  The hospital district does not have the ability to restrict or designate money for specific purposes. The foundation has the ability to receive and hold donations and distribute funds for the sole benefit of the hospital. The purchasing of medical equipment, sponsorships for further education of the staff, and supporting special projects are examples of what the Foundation is passionate about supporting. 


The Foundation has hosted all types of fundraisers in the community such as golf tournaments, car shows, themed dinner and auction nights, and so much more. We are fortunate to have several businesses in the Quincy Valley and surrounding areas that sponsor our efforts. All money raised is 100% given towards the various needs that come up in the hospital.
Since the COVID days, the Foundation has operated at a minimum. In 2023, we are rejuvenating our goals and efforts for the benefit of QVMC and our community. We believe Quincy as a whole is a compassionate community and we look forward to engaging the community in our goals to support our hospital. 

To ensure our team’s success, we’re looking for members who are motivated, enthusiastic, and ready to collaborate. We believe that a positive and proactive attitude is key to achieving our goals together. If this resonates with you, we’d love to have you on board!

Upcoming Events

Hosting Business After Hours – April 2025

Ribbon Cutting for New Facility – May/June 2025

Looking forward to planning a fun fundraising event in 2025!

Foundation Board Members:

Janet Jones
Jodi Davis
Erin Jensen
Nancy Leyva
Jennifer Bierlink
Executive Director: Shannon Durfee
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