About Us

Quincy Valley Medical Center

Believing in the importance of having quality healthcare close to home, a small group of Quincy residents was determined to take the necessary steps to form a public hospital district and build a hospital in their community. Thanks to their hard work and perseverance, Grant County Public Hospital District #2 was created by a vote of the public in November 1950.  Over the next 9 years, the planning, funding, and construction of the building on Tenth Avenue SW in Quincy took place.

Culture of Compassion

Staff, Health Care Professionals, Volunteers and Foundation Members working together to create a culture of compassionate and quality health care where the patient always comes first.

Thriving Medical Center

Our Staff and Health Care Professionals share this common vision to build QVMC into a thriving medical center where community members go for all their medical needs.

Team Vision

Our Chief Executive Officer is dedicated to recruiting and retaining skilled individuals who are committed to our Vision and can work as a part of our ever growing team. Our providers are dedicated to making sure that all of your health care needs are met with the utmost in quality, compassion and care.

Historic shots of the hospital
Dedicated to the Quincy Community on August 30, 1959, the Quincy Valley Hospital opened its doors to the residents and visitors of the Quincy Valley on August 29, 1959.

Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Strategy

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 mandated new IRS requirements for public hospitals with 501(c) (3) status.  To meet these requirements a hospital must (1) conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and (2) adopt an Implementation Strategy.  The provisions take effect in a hospital’s taxable year beginning after March 23, 2012.  Failure to comply could lead to a $50,000 excise tax and possible loss of tax exemption status.

In compliance with these requirements, Grant County Public Hospital District #2, dba Quincy Valley Medical Center (QVMC) partnered with the Grant County Public Health District and area health coalitions to conduct a community health assessment. Community health needs assessment is a collaborative process of collecting, analyzing, and distributing information about the health needs of a community. This assessment report is a record of statistics on health status, needs, and local resources available to overcome barriers to being the healthiest community possible. The report describes the overall health of residents within Grant County Public Hospital District #2, served by the Quincy Valley Medical Center. The information contained in this report was used to determine priority areas for the Quincy Valley Medical Center Implementation Strategy. 

In accordance with requirements in the Affordable Care Act, this Implementation Strategy was approved by the Quincy Valley Medical Center Board of Commissioners on December 23, 2013.  To receive a copy of the report you may download it here or contact our Public Records Request Agent at 509-787-3531.To download the CHNA you will need Adobe Reader.

Previous Center Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Strategy

Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Strategy – 2019

Prioritization of Needs

The QVMC CHNA Advisory Team reviewed the findings from the CHNA to prioritize the identified needs of our community.  Based on resources available and looking at the areas that QVMC could most influence, the group decided this three-year Implementation Strategy would focus on:

  • Reducing the obesity level in our community
  • Reduction in the levels of drug and alcohol abuse in our community
  • Improving access to timely medical care in our community
  • Reduction in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases in our community.
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