
Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Program for QVMC Hospital and Family Care Clinic

This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website.

Esta práctica atiende a todos los pacientes independientemente de su capacidad de pago. Se ofrecen descuentos para servicios esenciales según el tamaño de la familia y los ingresos. Para más información, pregunte en la recepción o visite nuestro sitio website.

Who can apply?

Patients who have been seen at Quincy Valley Medical Center who feel that they may be eligible may apply for the Financial Assistance Program.

How do I apply?

Quincy Valley Medical Center will provide an application to all patients that request consideration.  QVMC’s Financial Assistance Policy and Application can be accessed at under the QVMC Policies button, or you may obtain a free copy in person at 908 Tenth Avenue SW, Quincy, WA 98848. The application is available in both English and Spanish.  You may also request a copy to be mailed by calling 509-787-3531, extension 5393. Completed applications can be returned by dropping off in person at 908 Tenth Avenue SW, Quincy, WA 98848, mailing to the above address to the attention of “Business Office”, or faxing to 509-787-7070. Each patient will have an initial consultation to determine eligibility.  At the time of the review, Quincy Valley Medical Center will determine if there are any other programs that the patient may be eligible for. For more information, please contact the Financial Counselor at 509-787-3531 extension 5393.

What are the qualifications?

Financial Assistance will only be considered after all other financial resources available to the patient have been explored and exhausted. Patients who are uninsured, or underinsured whose household income is less than 300% of the HHS Poverty Level and complete the application process will be evaluated to determine eligibility.

As a Medicare participating facility, all patient charges are generated from the same scale regardless of ability to pay or eligibility for financial assistance.

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